The School for Recovery gives Café members and non-members the chance to grow, heal, discover, take risks, and surprise themselves by doing and becoming what they never thought possible. While the word “recovery” doesn’t appear in most of the course titles, every single class is designed to provide support, wisdom, and companions for the hard work of making healthier choices as we live with whatever it is we are recovering from.
* We do require that School for Recovery facilitators spend a significant amount of time in the café (serving as a Café Companion) prior to working on a class proposal. This will ensure that facilitators understand the café model and have a chance to meet our Members & Guests!
*The School for Recovery desires to offer classes to holistically support the journeys of each member at the Recovery Cafe.Class topics can range from health/wellness, nutrition, yoga, spirituality, job/career preparation, healthy relationships, relapse prevention and more!