Recovery Café Sullivan days are Mondays 10AM - 5PM, Wednesdays, 10AM - 2PM, Thursdays 2PM - 6PM and Fridays 1PM - 6PM

Recovery Circle

Recovery Circles are a crucial facet of our service delivery model, designed to prevent relapse by reducing social isolation, providing positive modeling behaviors, encouraging honest feedback, and increasing emotional support.

At our core, every one of us needs to love and feel love, to feel a sense of belonging, and to know that our life matters. Recovery Circles foster and feed this, breaking down despair, loneliness, and hopelessness and creating relationships, access to resources, hope, and healing.

Recovery Circles are small groups, 6-10 people, that meet weekly for one hour to check-in, share the highs and lows of their recovery journey, and share resources. Recovery Circle attendance is one of Recovery Café’s requirements for Membership.

Each circle is led by a facilitator. Our circle facilitators are a combination of Recovery Café Members, staff, and volunteers. All facilitators have gone through recovery coach training to best meet the needs of their circle Members.

Members are expected to attend the same weekly Recovery Circle and call in ahead of time if they can’t make it. This consistency and accountability help Members practice healthy behaviours in a space that allows for mistakes and growth.

Recovery Circles are how Recovery Café stays intimately connected with our Membership.  No one person on staff can know all of our Members at any given time, but every Member is known by someone; their Recovery Circle facilitator.

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Feb 13 2025


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
QR Code

13 W. Jackson St. Sullivan, IN

(812) 917-5006